
Menopause Cake (like a super seedy Fruit Loaf!)
Menopause Cake recipe - natural solutions for managing menopause symptoms - boost brain function, reduce inflammation and support your hormones with this fruit cake full of healthy fatty acids and phytoestrogens

Anti-Inflammatory Tonic
During menopause shifting hormone levels can cause inflammation which may trigger a variety of symptoms, from sleep issues, to muscle pain, to migraines. To reduce inflammation related symptoms, try this anti inflammatory tonic recipe. Not only is it anti-inflammatory but it is also delicious and very hydrating. Drink hot or cold.

Virgin Mojito
Reducing or cutting out alcohol can really help with several menopause symptoms but in particular stress/anxiety and hot flushes. I make myself mocktails - in a proper cocktail glass with all the trimmings so I feel like I'm getting a treat, I have much less hot flushes and it doesn’t contribute to the meno belly! Here is one of my favourite mocktail recipes, my take on a Mojito!

Coconut Bar with a Nutty Twist
This delicious low sugar, gluten free 'Bounty' bar is great for a menopause friendly nutritious treat so you don’t feel deprived. It's high in fats to satiate you and give good brain energy

Sweet Potato Tahini Salad
This is my classic go-to, ‘bung in whatever's in the fridge’ summer salad perfect for a busy mum.

5 Ways to Stop your Menopause Symptoms Running Riot over Christmas
5 Ways to Stop your Menopause Symptoms Running Riot over Christmas. As the Christmas season kicks into full swing, we share five tips for preventing your menopause symptoms from exploding over the joyous Christmas scene!

Green Zinger Smoothie
This warming, creamy avocado smoothie is packed full of beneficial nutrients and healthy fats to help boost immunity, manage menopause cravings and reduce inflammation

Coconut, Ginger and Lime Cheesecake
This vegan, gluten free and low sugar coconut, ginger and lime cheesecake is sweet, fresh and delicious without being sickly or too filling. It's also full of nutty goodness (cashews), healthy fats (coconut), vitamin C (lime) and anti inflammatory powers (ginger).
What's not to like!

The Light at the End of the Winter Blues
If you are one of the many people who feel less and less inclined to leave your bed, let alone the house, during the winter months… do not despair. Here is some great advice for dealing with SAD, or seasonal affective disorder…

Avocado and Edamame Dip 3 Ways
This is an extra special 3 in 1 recipe. Avocados are obviously super tasty but also high in healthy fats to support brain function and edamame beans are high in protein and provide natural support for hormone regulation.

Dairy Free Diets - Bone Health Risk?
Are dairy free diets are a risk to bone health? Should we be worried? Well... yes and no… read to find out more.

Simple but Delicious Gluten Free Plum Cake
A simple but delicious gluten and dairy (optional) free Plum Cake

Coconut Lime and Ginger Cheesecake
This Coconut Lime and Ginger cheesecake is vegan, gluten free and low sugar.
Its also sweet, fresh and delicious without being sickly or too filling. It's full of nutty goodness (cashews), healthy fats (coconut), vitamin C (lime) and anti inflammatory powers (ginger).

Super Simple Seed Crackers
Try these wholesome, super simple and gluten free flaxseed crackers. Full of flaxseeds for natural phytoestrogens to support menopause hormone balance and healthy fats for brain function.

Menopausal Mood Swings - What to do!?
Can you face another year suffering from menopausal mood swings?

Healthy Ageing
There is a lot you can do to protect yourself from the common but not inevitable effects of ageing…

Can Diet Prevent cancer?
This blog has been adapted from a series of talks I gave at Clifton Village Library and is meant as an introduction to the topic. It provides simple but important information about why cancerous cells are different to non cancerous cells, looks at some potentially cancer causing foods and ways you can change your diet and lifestyle, making your body a less hospitable environment for cancer to thrive.