5 Ways to Stop your Menopause Symptoms Running Riot over Christmas
As the Christmas season kicks into full swing, we share five tips for preventing your menopause symptoms from exploding over the joyous Christmas scene!
1. Just say NO!
Sounds easy doesn’t it, saying no to things you don’t want to do, people you don’t want to see, places you don’t want to go? But for today, check how many times you do something you don’t want to. If you’re like most women, saying ‘no’ doesn’t come easily. And it may not be easy for others to hear either. But it’s better than saying yes and then getting mad. So, for today practice saying no, just because you can. And then do it again tomorrow… and the next day, because saying no is actually saying yes to the life you want to lead.
2. Be really, really kind to yourself
Menopause is like going through the terrible twos or the tyrannical teens. It’s probably the biggest hormonal and developmental phase you have been through in 20-30 years. Ok, so pregnancy is a big change but this one goes on much, much longer! So, give yourself all the understanding and forgiveness you might lovingly give a child. Don’t push yourself to just carry on as normal. Be kind to yourself - whatever that looks like for you. It might just be buying yourself delicious food or taking a long walk at sunrise or joining a spa (if you go via MoveGB you may find some great offers). And feel no shame in asking others to be a bit kinder to you as well.
3. Cut the Caffeine!
I didn’t put this first because I reckoned you probably wouldn’t want to hear it (again) - but hands down the quickest way to feel better is to cut out caffeine. It has a huge impact on hot flushes and erratic mood swings. I am sure you already know it makes you feel high and then you crash down later. People say they need it to get through the day - but it actually robs you of energy. So rather than making the day easier, it actually makes it a lot harder. And when you are feeling that afternoon slump then you feel like you need another coffee (and probably a nice slice of cake!) I had a client going through chronic anxiety, who didn’t believe giving up her once a day coffee would make that much difference, until she did it. Christmas probably isn’t the best time to cut down on alcohol, sugar and festive treats but you can do caffeine – for your sake and everyone else’s!
4. Do Less
Do not volunteer to be the one to bring the Christmas turkey, pudding or any elaborate festive dishes for that matter. Let someone else do it for a change (and perhaps for the next five years!). Do not go and pick up your guests from the train station, they can get a cab. And don’t pick your child up because it’s raining - they can use an umbrella and walk. Instead, you can rest, rest and rest again. If you are doing just a little bit less you can usually still get the essentials done but a bit slower - which is great for your nervous system and it will help you to feel more resilient when dealing with disrupted sleep or any other menopause symptom. So do a little self experiment today and ask yourself - Do I really need to do this? Could someone else do it? Could I do it slower? What would happen if it didn’t get done at all. Usually when I ask myself that final question - the answer is often no! Phew….. Good luck!
5. Unlock your body
We all have reasons to be stressed. And it's often the unpleasant things we have experienced that get locked in our bodies and cause dis-ease. For example, women who have experienced trauma in their lives are much more likely to have more severe menopause symptoms, M.E and fibromyalgia. One of the easiest ways to access physical and mental pain and to shift it, is to move your body; tune into how it actually feels on the inside and learn more about what you need to do to feel better.
If you don’t, you and your body may pay the price and eventually your nearest and dearest will too. So the sooner you get moving the better. You could try dancing, kickboxing, yoga, or the ancient movement medicine, qi gong - I personally find this little-known mother of kung fu to be the best hack for cracking open stuck emotions and physical discomfort.